Treatment cervical chondrosis's house

Cervical хондроз

The most common and one continuous bus or the outgoing discomfort, disease, cervical chondrosis, therefore, at home treatment for this disease is a very current topic. In the first stage, degenerative changes, intervertebral disc chondrosis – most are asymptomatic, presented, and all danger: late detection and treatment can lead to the deterioration of сдавливанию vessels and cerebral blood flow. A must have for everyone for this reason, detection and treatment cervical superficial chondrosis at least a concept how yourself.

Causes and symptoms

Whiplash mostly old chondrosis previously met. Today, more and more young people the disease is diagnosed, and the Office works at the computer for a long time static.

If you have cervical chondrosis man's bother:

  • Neck pain, a shoulder that does justice;
  • Tinnitus and front sight in front of the eyes;
  • A normal stupid headache dizziness;
  • Crunching and "crisis" cervical;
  • Blood pressure instability;
  • "Com" swallowing sore throat;
  • A bad dream;
  • General weakness and constant fatigue.

Home treatment

Of course, you apply immediately for acute pain medical institution. But experienced, patient, always on time and all the symptoms that closeness выучив a long time, master skills, first aid and practical treatment cervical chondrosis's house. Themselves doctors after examination and diagnosis, you may ask, how chondrosis treatment back home, it's not a disease, it's a scene that works. Many methods are quite simple and effective.


Chondrosis's painful sometimes unbearable symptoms of cervical endurance and to talk about if you have a headache, then his presence is generally unacceptable. Withdrawal symptoms fast home medicine cabinet should be:

  • Analgesics (baralgi, analg);
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (indomethacin, ibuprofen);
  • Chondroprotector (RU manual, alflutop, chondroxide).

Without a prescription pharmacy pain medication can be taken at any of the above, but this does not mean, not in the face, you ought to consult a specialist in related applications.

Pull exterior applications available remedies for violations of cerebral circulation infections and warnings. Finalgon ointment is loved as warming, such as voltaren emulgel, Capsicum.

Folk remedies

Many treatment methods are based on traditional medicine. Some help resolve pain and improve metabolic processes in a relatively short period as the cervix is quite popular. Unfortunately, chondrosis useless folk remedies heal completely – only an integrated approach is necessary.

Accommodation options compresses and rub the way:

  • Fast compress burdock or cabbage. Located on a cool slab of putting it, the pain immediately becomes easier.
  • Grate the potato and mix the same amount of honey. To relieve inflammation and pain enough to keep compress for 10-15 minutes several times a day.
  • A good car to warm it up with mustard and honey. Put on top of the neck area is necessary for smear honey, mustard plaster, and plastic film. It is desirable to make such a compress every day for a week before going to bed.
  • Cayenne pepper is anti-inflammatory and warming effect. Finely chop 100 grams of aloe with vegetable and tie, watches, 200 grams of honey and a glass of alcohol. Day already a tool to use: moisten a clean cloth apply a solution for this, the fire of inflammation. It is advisable to keep the feeling of a burning sensation so strong a compress.
  • Mix olive oil with cloves of crushed leaves and stays in a water bath for half an hour. Strain the mixture and rub the gauze over the sore spot before going to bed.
Растирки compresses effectively and in pain

Medicated tinctures:

  • 1 teaspoon pre-ground dried root celery a liter of water and boil for 5 minutes. Then, the mixture should be the day to infuse. To drink a teaspoon before meals.
  • The crushed root and bark, weeds, pour alcohol 1: 10 at a rate of, and persist for weeks. Tool ready, tension, and 30 drops 20 minutes before meals to get.
  • Перетертых 3 tablespoons parsley seeds, pour a liter of boiling water and steep for 10 minutes. Drain the water ½ cup at each meal and consumption.

Calcium source

Recommends taking normal precautions treatment of cervical chondrosis of the older generation knows shell eggs. This product 90% of calcium carbonate as a receiving body, perfect digested and has a positive effect on the quality of the bone. Recipes folk medicine for is very simple: by separating the Shell to the egg white induced on the inner side of the film.

Peel, dry, grind, grinder and coffee consumption a spoon on the end, amortized lemon juice.
Egg shell as a source of calcium Self-massage

Self-massage can be applied in any environment, both at home and at work and during your lunch break. Literally meeting in a few minutes, normalizes blood circulation, decrease pain syndrome and will increase prosperity, and back to regular operations processes stop, the latest the cartilage tissue within the vertebral column.

The man's a walking action pose, on the table, putting your elbows on the table, a single trail alternately мочками the other hand, plots touches the neck. Now already разогретые muscles to impress in a more intense way, using the finger palm and finger touch Finnish. Pain syndrome in the area with your fingertips by adding a slight tingling sensation as you would need to be noticed. Before the massage, feeling the heat required part of the occipital in the region of 5-8 minutes is usually sufficient воротниковой. The process required to complete Pat's neck.

Perfect with traditional medicine in the house or in the massage area скалки using normal glass bottle. "The instructor's" right arm and right постукивайте in the area of the scapula to the spine, then repeat the same for the left side. Another option is to massage myself – lying and rolling pin "journey" massage stretch back pain.

Very good, the places of the first session, under the supervision of experienced. Have something heavy holding him, but still has its own characteristics. For example, kneading neck makes a fist, on the contrary, it is a pain to strengthen it.

With vibration massage

A unique device for vibration therapeutic massage for the spine with, "employee" not bad yourself to a massage. Медтехники to buy it in any specialty store at first, however, a specialist who treats should be taken should you make a purchase.


Exercises for the neck in the house is a perfect way to not only reduce pain, acute, but nothing to prevent it. Just the next complex you want to perform regularly in the morning or evening exercise:

  1. Full standing or sitting in a chair (so easy) you can start to make circular motion clockwise, then against him. Each approach 2 minutes.
  2. Occupying the same position in the first exercise smoothly Tilt your head forward, back. Do the left and right sides, then head to bed.
  3. To raise the shoulders as high as possible and try and move your body up properly without leaving. Hold this position for 30 seconds and back to the starting position. This like 15-20 approaches.
  4. Take handful of them, all the fingertips, large, contact, push, and slowly brood over. Exercise to improve blood circulation to the part, again with maximum temporal head.
  5. Preserving a smooth head, the position of the neck and chin by inserting before most of the pull. After 5 seconds back to the starting position, sitting in a comfortable chair. Run 5-10 reps.

Chondrosis neck is a disease and, if untreated, one day. Therefore, if you perform the above exercises, a constantly growing number of approaches and representatives. Therefore, to train the neck muscles, making them stronger and more durable. The probability that a new profession will diminish the pain of each new attack. Accordingly, any deviation chart – take a step back this headache.


It is better to prevent any disease, then treat him. To reduce the possibility of development of cervical chondrosis's required:

  • Good food. To do a complete and balanced diet. The daily menu should contain a sufficient amount of protein products (meat, fish, dairy products). Use also regular servings of fresh fruit and vegetables, salt deposits which are dissolved after digestion in the spinal discs. Particular attention should be given to the mode drinking water: water 2 to 2.5 liters a day of clean gas to be the norm a grown person.
  • Lead an active lifestyle. Visitors walking or cycling in the open air every day, busy preventive sports (плаваньем, Pilates, yoga). Definitely weight lifting, inability to distribute the load evenly for both hands to avoid it while it's not excessive back.
  • Always the correct body position to occupy. She's just a kid you need to work to keep upright posture a habit. The holidays should be done to stay in the same position a long-term warming. Special orthopedic mattresses and pillows comfortable and correct posture during sleep to observe throughout.